
Te Tech’s te-MBBR moving bed biofilm reactor is a well-established technology for treating municipal and industrial wastewater. It employs a moving media where the biomass grows as an attached film. This allows good contact between the wastewater and the biofilm for carbonaceous organic (BOD) removal, nitrification and denitrification. With the appropriate type of media, te-MBBR can meet the treated final effluent targets set by current EU, UK and international standards such as the Wastewater Framework Directive.

The media is selected for the duty based on its protected surface area and the requirement for providing micro-environments for specific bacteria in nutrient removal. It  is retained in the aeration tank by sieves and is mixed and kept in motion by the aeration air flow. Because te-MBBR is an attached film process, there is no need for sludge recirculation, so there is only surplus biomass to be removed in the downstream separation process.

For new-builds, te-MBBR is available as off-site constructed standard modular units for stand-alone operation or extensions for integration into existing works as secondary or tertiary treatment.

The technology can also be incorporated into existing activated sludge plants as integrated fixed film activated sludge (IFAS) or complete conversion to MBBR for nitrification, denitrification or enhanced phosphorus removal, to provide increased capacity and/or improved final effluent quality.

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MBBR Plant 6
MBBR Plant 4

Control Options

  • PID dissolved oxygen control
  • Model based, real-time fuzzy logic
  • AI continuous optimisation using the CREA platform
  • Integration into existing plant SCADA systems


★ Easy to operate

★ Large protected surface area

★ Compact Footprint

★ Increased Treatment Capacity

★ Resistant to variable and shock loading

★ Easy to retrofit into existing AS plan


★ BOD/COD Removal

★ Nitrification

★ Denitrification

★ Municipal Wastewater

★ Industrial Wastewater

★ Food & Beverage

★ Pulp & Paper

★ Aquaculture

Standard Package Units  

Te-Tech’s packaged te-MBBR is suited to small municipal or industrial applications, particularly where loads change seasonally or by campaign and in remote locations.

 The packaged units are suitable for gravity or pumped feed and include:

  • Aeration reactor
  • Media
  • Duty and standby air compressors
  • Final sedimentation tank
  • Controls
  • Offsite assembly and FAT

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